[Sahana_proj] Monday's Progress Reports

Ralph Morelli ram at cs.trincoll.edu
Wed Apr 4 11:43:23 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

Here is some additional information about Monday's progress reports.

* We will be meeting at Wesleyan, from 1:30 - 3:30 PM in Room SC 139,
which I think is on the first floor of the Science Center.  Let me know
if you need directions to that room.

* Trinity Students:  Let's meet at my office (MCEC 152) at 1:00 PM with
our respective cars. That should get us there easily by 1:30 PM.

* Your reports should be written in Powerpoint and should include links
to the various elements of your project -- e.g., design diagrams, source
code (if any), demo (if any).

* Your report should cover the following points:
-- The purpose of your project and why it is an important and  
beneficial project.
-- The main requirements of the system you are building--what will it  
-- It's main design features, including database requirements.
-- A description of how your team members have divided up the work on  
the project.
-- A timetable showing how you plan to complete the project.
-- A demo (if any) of the progress you have made thus far.

* There are 9 team projects plus Jon Damon's Sahana project that will
be giving reports.  Each report will be alloted 10 minutes, leaving  
at least a minute
for Q/A.

* Although the members of the class will be familiar with your  
project, you should NOT
do a report based on that assumption. Instead, you should aim your  
report at guests
who may be there who are hearing about your project for the first  
time.   A good
WORKING ASSUMPTION would be that you are presenting your work to a  
agency that is considering whether to invest money in your project.

* This progress report will be peer graded based on the following  
-- Was information presented in a logical interesting sequence
that the audience could follow?
-- Did the presenters demonstrate full knowledge of the subject?
matter and were able to answer questions and provide appropriate  
-- Were the powerpoints (or other visual aids) well designed and
produced and helped to reinforce the presentation?
-- Did the presenters speak audibly and clearly and could be
easily understood by the audience?
-- Was the presentation well paced throughout and completed within
the allotted time?
-- Overall, was  the presentation effective?

Let me know if you have any questions.

-- ram

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