PPR: ppop is deranged!

David Chappell David.Chappell at trincoll.edu
Thu Aug 31 17:07:54 EDT 2006

> Kenneth Tindle writes:
>> I have a problem with ppr 1.54, compiled from source on Ubuntu Linux
>> 6.06 LTS server.  This means that gcc is at 4.0.3.
>> When ppop is run as root, it hangs.  A manual kill is needed to remove
>> the process.  It is not a true zombie, a normal kill will work,
>> kill -9 is not needed.  I say "hang", meaning there is nothing on
>> standard output (no messages.)
>> When ppop is run as a user listed in /etc/ppr/acl/ppop.allow, while
>> issuing any subcommand, you get "FATAL:[...]pprd is probably not
>> running."  pprd is in fact running, of course.

I have had a go at solving this.  I have been able to reproduce the 
problem once.  It appears that ppop has the wrong permissions.  It 
should be:

-rws--s--x 1 ppr ppr 131712 2006-08-31 15:21 /usr/lib/ppr/bin/ppop

I am still trying to figure out why it sometimes gets installed with the 
wrong permissions.

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