[Sahana_proj] packaging module

de Lanerolle, Trishan R. Trishan.deLanerolle at trincoll.edu
Tue Dec 5 11:40:52 EST 2006


Some useful information regarding packaging your module:

If you want to package and share your module source code you can use the
following command. The exclude line is there to remove any hidden
folders and files created by SVN. This command would create a clean
compressed file void of the svn files. 


# tar --exclude='.*' -cvzf filename.tar.gz folder_to_be_packaged 


If you do not wish to have the .gz extention, simply remove the z option
from the command and the .gz from the file name.


Trishan de Lanerolle'04
Computer Science/Engineering
Technology Coordinator
Systems and Networking
Trinity College
(860) 297 5313


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